2013-04-16 6:15 AM
Does someone know where can i find a tutorial about configuring a FreeRTOS ARM Cortex-M4F demo application that targets an STMicroelectronics STM32F40XX microcontroller using eclipse please ?
2013-04-16 8:22 AM
I don't know of one.
I have been using ChibiStudio from chibios.orgOnly drawback I have is that it must install on drive C:But it is fully integrated Eclipse, GCC C/C++, RTOS with many drivers for STM32F4 peripherals, not all peripherals, but many.You can also get CooCox.org. Another Eclipse, GCC, RTOS package. It works well but does not yet support the Cortex M4 floating point register context save/restore.2013-04-17 12:34 AM
Sorry but do you mean that Eclipse, GCC, RTOS package does not yet support the Cortex M4 floating point register?
2013-04-17 4:57 AM
. Another Eclipse, GCC, RTOS package. It works well but does not yet support the Cortex M4 floating point register context save/restore. Reading all your other posts in different threads you seem to jumping from one problem to another,without solving anything. Stick with one hardware platform and get a software platform that works where you can compile code and debug it. Then it is relatively easy to add other hardware boards and extras like rtos etc. I always remember my fathers advice when I was a child learning to ride a bicycle. First you have to learn to fall off a bicycle before you can ride it. Regards Peter2013-04-17 5:21 AM
Sorry but do you mean that Eclipse, GCC, RTOS package does not yet support the Cortex M4 floating point register?
Presumably that the RTOS's context switch has to save FPU registers if you have multiple threads/tasks using the FPU. Look at the context switching code, confirm what gets saved.2013-04-17 6:27 AM
I said CooCox RTOS does not support Floating Point context save/restore.
you have to be more careful with your use of terms or it leads to confusion.you have to be careful because floating point support must be built into the RTOS and the GCC compiler must also be built with single precision floating point support.FreeRTOS and ChibiOS both support F4 math.Eclipse is just the IDE.Seriously, download the free Atollic Eclipse lite version. Play with that until you hit the code space limit. Then you can roll your own tool chain.http://www.atollic.com/index.php/targets/armtargetsupport