2010-02-23 12:59 AM
Flash Loader Demostrator Flash option bit setting
2011-05-17 04:41 AM
Data1 and Data2 are freely used for any purpose (you can store any value you want in there). STDBY means Standby mode, please refer to RM0008 at this section ''4.3.5 Standby mode''. This bit means, when set that the last reset was caused by entering StandBy mode. As well as nRST_STOP that means that the last reset was caused by entering Stop mode: PM0042 @ table 8. '' Bit 18: nRST_STDBY 0: Reset generated when entering Standby mode. 1: No reset generated. Bit 17: nRST_STOP 0: Reset generated when entering Stop mode 1: No reset generated Bit 16: WDG_SW 0: Hardware watchdog 1: Software watchdog ''