2018-07-13 3:42 AM
I compiled a simple adc single conv. code on keil v5 using stm32f4cube mx , it compile good on errors or warnings , but when i wanna load the code on my board stm32f407vg it gives me : 'flash download failed-Could not load file '........ .axf', ' .
but for other codes it is loading successfully .
#flash-download-error2018-07-13 11:19 AM
The description of the problem is not super helpful...
Did it create the .AXF file? Look for linker errors, or file open somewhere else.
Correct debugger connected in options?
Have you tried configuring the debugger to 'connect under reset'?
Any code that might interfere with GPIOA or pins PA13/PA14 added recently?
2018-07-14 12:39 PM
THANKS I noticed the problem , when i relocate the file some files was missing, so i regenerate the code in a different location and it loaded successfully.