2009-01-02 10:56 AM
First steps with STM32
2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Hi !
What is the best tool for learning about the STM32 with some samples in C? Some book? Some book Online? Thanks!2011-05-17 4:36 AM
for many good tips.2011-05-17 4:36 AM
I would like to know this too, as I've also just got a STM32F103RET6 stamp board...
2011-05-17 4:36 AM
C is supposed to be C. I assume that any ARM C compiler follows ARM rules on scratch registers and parameter passing. I have a (some would say regrettable) tendency to code low-level peripheral registers in assembly*. My only IAR gripe is very small - I have to use extern “C�? when defining C++ callable assembly routines. I’ve no clue about Ride7 or Keil compilers. *My thinking on writing low-level peripheral access in assembly is simple. No games. If I ever have to do the same code for another vendor’s parts that low-level code will have to be replaced anyway.2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Thanks PICGuy...
Could you then also tell me the difference between the Ride7 enviroment and the IAR fx. What would you recommed to choose? The language looks the same, C, but what about the calls and definitions, are they the same? Thomas2011-05-17 4:36 AM
I'm not very good at assembler though ;)
So you are using IAR, but why? Why not use Ride7? I've heard most about that (thru my Primer2 experience) [ This message was edited by: tkjmail on 03-01-2010 00:27 ]