2009-01-29 7:14 AM
FAT system and SD Card, ARM STM32F103RBT
2011-05-17 3:58 AM
I'm using msd library st (UM435 - STM3210B-EVAL demonstration software), to adapt for spi2.
it does not function. I'm problem . function MSD_ReadByte() not response. /* Check if response is got or a timeout is happen */ while ((MSD_ReadByte() != Response) && Count) { Count--; } if (Count == 0) /// count = 0 not response { /* After time out */ return MSD_RESPONSE_FAILURE; //always } else { /* Right response got */ return MSD_RESPONSE_NO_ERROR; }2012-05-08 12:43 PM
2012-05-08 8:38 PM
My experience with <2GB card is good. FW lib works good. What is your card capacity & manufacturer ?
2012-05-09 12:38 AM
I have one that is no good for anything but this task: 32Mb, brand unknown I think it might be Sandisk
If you know how this raw data write works please tell me! I now assume that I have to write data in blocks of 512 bytes, If i write to address 0x00000000 then I assume I place there a complete set of 512 bytes, if I write to address 0x00000001then there will be written another block of 512 bytes, is that correct?