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Falling of digital signal after some delay

Associate II

Please find the image for the reference.


Falling time of digital signals should in nano second, but here its almost taking 42usec. 

I have configured GPIO mode as Alternating Push and Pull, Pull down.

let me know how to reduce the falling time.

Chief II

You set too much "zoom" , giving no more useful display on DSO.

You know ... "PEBKAC" ?

Trigger on signal at high sampling rate, without zoom.

and use 10:1 probe tip (with low capacity).

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Increasing the GPIO frequency is the only thing that will help with slew rates for digital signals. In the GPIO tab, select the VERY_HIGH frequency for the pins you want to be faster.

Although the point be @AScha.3 is perhaps more relevant. It's unclear what you sample rate is on the scope. You have zoomed far far to the right of the trigger (27ms). That scope has a memory of only 2500 points. You're not going to get ns resolution over a duration of 27ms. I wouldn't be surprised if the sampling resolution in your image was 42 us.

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