2014-05-09 5:40 AM
2014-05-14 11:24 PM
can anybody say me why USART2 is not receiving any data what mistake I am doing . I have attacjed the file please have a look.
________________ Attachments : Two_board.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I01G&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bSH%2FyEAsAtOtqrP3VeV4aicVRZP9FDOWU7IsSgDb_a5rgm0&asPdf=false2014-05-15 12:15 AM
I did not catch up the whole thread, but I noticed that your last source file is missing GPIOA clock. That could lead to misconfiguration of your USART2 TX/RX pin.
2014-05-15 2:19 AM
Hi laurent thanks for your reply. yes I have missed that but still the same issue is there it is entering one time only in the USART2_RXNE interrupt I mean onle case 0, Rest it is not entering. Moreover for entering first also in the USART2_RXNE interrupt I mean case 0 , USART2_Source variable is showing value 0 instead of A. I am reall not getting it .today is my 12th day on this. I am really hang on it.Please help
2014-05-15 3:53 AM
Actually I got the problem it is not possible it seems because of the pin , I wanted to test two board half duplex commn but for making it convenient to test I have used the USART1 and USART2 of same board but the USART2 doesn't have pins scecially for USART2_TX, It has both USART1 and USART2 which is GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA, GPIO_PinSource2, GPIO_AF_1)which include both USART1 and USART2 and one more pins is also same type ; I am confirmed as because checked with stm32f407 which is having differnt pins for performing those activity. So I have to drop the idea . I have written code for both board 1 and board 2 separetely .here also the same kind of problem persists like
or understanding purpose I have separated the two codes as BOARD1 and BOARD 2 instead of testing on USART1 and USART2 of same board. I have attached the two files Please have a look Procedure of checking: BOARD 1 Code flash into the BOARD1 and cheked as PB6 is configured as half duplex so I thought no need of connecting wire with any other pin PB6 itself will act as transmit and after that received....... .In the same way I have checked the BOARD 2 (normally It should received mode first but for checking purpose I have configured it to transmit mode to check Problems are 1. In BOARD 1 I have checked data is getting send (txe buffer empty interrupt) ..Received interrupt is also taking place but there is no data in Uart1_Src , Uart1_Dst,Uart1_Cmd variable ? All the variable are showing zero. 2 In BOARD2 I have checked data is getting send (txe buffer empty interrupt) ..Received interrupt is also taking place but it taking for 1 time I mean entering into case 1 . When I checked the variable Uart1_Src of case 0 it too is showing the value zero I have attached the code please see2014-05-15 3:55 AM
Actually I got the problem it is not possible it seems because of the pin , I wanted to test two board half duplex commn but for making it convenient to test I have used the USART1 and USART2 of same board but the USART2 doesn't have pins scecially for USART2_TX, It has both USART1 and USART2 which is GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA, GPIO_PinSource2, GPIO_AF_1)which include both USART1 and USART2 and one more pins is also same type ; I am confirmed as because checked with stm32f407 which is having differnt pins for performing those activity. So I have to drop the idea . I have written code for both board 1 and board 2 separetely .here also the same kind of problem persists like
or understanding purpose I have separated the two codes as BOARD1 and BOARD 2 instead of testing on USART1 and USART2 of same board. I have attached the two files Please have a look Procedure of checking: BOARD 1 Code flash into the BOARD1 and cheked as PB6 is configured as half duplex so I thought no need of connecting wire with any other pin PB6 itself will act as transmit and after that received....... .In the same way I have checked the BOARD 2 (normally It should received mode first but for checking purpose I have configured it to transmit mode to check Problems are 1. In BOARD 1 I have checked data is getting send (txe buffer empty interrupt) ..Received interrupt is also taking place but there is no data in Uart1_Src ,Uart1_Dst,Uart1_Cmd variable ? All the variable are showing zero. 2 In BOARD2 I have checked data is getting send (txe buffer empty interrupt) ..Received interrupt is also taking place but it taking for 1 time I mean entering into case 1 . When I checked the variable Uart1_Src of case 0 it too is showing the value zero I have attached the code please see ________________ Attachments : Two_Board_Usart1_in_one_code_differentiate_.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzyh&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bSJ%2F8QQWcOzhMbQl7_9Ek4uVtQvWLxIXg5zaS8gNDatJ3_8&asPdf=false2014-05-15 10:00 PM
Hi clive please see the code once and give me some idea to try I have tried whatever you said
2014-05-16 3:21 AM
Hi Clive
I have seen your numerous examples on stm32f030R8T6 for USART full duplex which is working fine for me from before but there are no examples for single wire USART half duplex . Ok just help me with a sample code of USART Half duplex interrupt transmit and received sample code . You don't have to see my entire code Or you can see my this code which I am attaching and say me the changes to make it work here it's a simple transmit and received .....in single wire half duplex .....problem is same transmitting is fine I have checked with USB to TTL connector . but received is not happening ...it is just entering the case 0 of received interrupt and terminates....even in case 0 I have checked the USART1_SRC the value it contains is 0 instead of the first transmit data 'S' ________________ Attachments : BOARD_2.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I01B&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bSI%2Fub5PSMo5x5CLhWR46PNnub3MBeBlO88BePGA_5M_w_g&asPdf=false2014-05-16 5:12 AM
I'm really not looking to be your development and test guy, and I think I've said several times I'm not using STM32F0 parts in any of my projects.
Isn't the sense here backward? The comments seem to be what you want to doUSART_DirectionModeCmd(USART1,USART_Mode_Tx, ENABLE); // enable RX mode // on startup
USART_DirectionModeCmd(USART1,USART_Mode_Rx, DISABLE); // disable TX mode
I'm not sure if you need to turn TX/RX on and off, once TC asserts the USART should receive off the wire. Turning RX off would just seem to prevent you getting the echo of what you send.
You might want to look for RS485 or Smart Card examples
2014-05-16 5:26 AM
Hi clive
I have tried the example of STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0 before it is working fime with stm32f407 but not f030 as I think USART 2 of stm32f030 have PA2 (both USART1 TX and USART2 TX)and PA14 pins (both USART1 TX and USART2 TX), It doesn't hace separate so I was not able to do that moreover it's a polling method not interrupt . I want a interrupt one2014-05-17 11:34 PM
Hi clive
Please help me