2019-07-25 5:52 AM
I try to write a interrupt function with registers on the stm32h743zi referans manual ,but keil doesn't recognize some registers for exp ,EXTI->CPUPR1 =(1<<13); SYSCFG->EXTICR4= (1<<5);
stm32cubeh7 MCU package V1.5
2019-07-25 6:02 AM
Perhaps go look at the definitions for the structures, see if the registers are lists or have subtly different naming.
android autocomplete, not good for fat fingered dyslexics..
2019-07-25 6:05 AM
Look into the CMSIS-mandated device header ([Cube]\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\[Family]\Include\[device].h) how are these peripherals (EXTI, SYSCFG) defined.
ST is not famous for rigorously matching the registers/bitfiled names between RM and the headers.