2019-07-05 1:54 PM
I have a device that must execute precompiled functions which are copied to a place in RAM.
Function calling:
PLC_main = (pFunc_main) 0x30000001;
Compied function:
0x30000000: 4811 .H LDR r0,[pc,#68] ; [0x30000048] = 0x30020004
0x30000002: 6800 .h LDR r0,[r0,#0]
0x30000004: 1c80 .. ADDS r0,r0,#2
0x30000006: 4910 .I LDR r1,[pc,#64] ; [0x30000048] = 0x30020004
0x30000008: 6008 .` STR r0,[r1,#0]
0x3000000a: 4608 .F MOV r0,r1
0x3000000c: 6800 .h LDR r0,[r0,#0]
0x3000000e: 4770 pG BX lr
But after calling this function, program jumps to some place in flash and runs from there.
Is it possible to make a precompiled function to return to a place where it is called ?
2019-07-05 2:09 PM
What MCU?
You should be able to step into the RAM code and return via BX LR
Try 0x20000000 SRAM
2019-07-05 2:13 PM
STM32H743 mcu. Keil cannot run by step since function called, it begins to run, but if i stop it manually, i see code execution from flash. Not a code that placed after a function call, because i have a breakpoint there. It looks like this function returns but not to a place where it was called.