2015-07-26 7:45 AM
I have a STM3210E_EVAL board and I have been going through most of the example programs. There is one example program with the name:FSMC_NOR_CodeExecute.If I run this program it will cause a Hard Fault condition because the program is trying to execute code in the nor flash that has not been written yet. The readme file says I am supposed to program the nor flash at Program the NOR memory with the example provided in the ''binary'' directory@note You can use ST-LINK v3.4.6 tool and select NOR Flash memory in the external loader and then flash the binary file at @0x64000000.Is it possible to use a ULINK2 and keil to program the nor flash.I found the GPIO_toggle.bin file in the binary directory.The second step is to download the main program to run the nor flash program.Thanks, Gary2015-07-26 12:45 PM
Is it possible to use a ULINK2 and keil to program the nor flash.
Yes, you create a Flash Applet, and then in the setting for the debugger you select your applet as the ''Flashing Algorithm'' for the region of memory described in the AXF/HEX file