2013-12-17 01:26 AM
My product is based on stm32f407, the Ethernet works well normally, except that, sometimes(10% possibility) after the MCU powered up or hot rebooted, the mac can transmit packets, but can NOT receive.When this problem happened, I checked status inside chip, (all the register values listed at bottom):
1. The value in MMCTGFCR indicate tx is good, I can see the packet by wireshark. 2. but MMCRGUFCR is always 0, the RX interrupt does not come too. 3. the magic is here, current value in MACCR is: 40028000 MACCR = 0000800c I write the SAME 0000800c into 40028000 again manually, the whole MAC works! and always this way.My ethernet driver is:
waiting for ethernet negociation finished ETH_Init() // according to speed, ... ETH_Start() ETH->MMCCR = ETH->MMCCR; // this patch helps, but not reliableETH_Start() failed to start the state machine? I dont konw how to check it or patch it. MMCCR's TE and RE bit is magic, no time requirement?
eos % int -v eth0 eth0 line UP, protocol UP Link encap Ethernet MTU 1500 Link addr 00:01:02:03:04:72 IP addr netmask 0xffffff00, broadcast sent: ip 4 tot 5 idle 5? qlen 0 recv: ip 0 tot 0 idle 1?37? phy: reg[ 0]=1000 reg[ 1]=782d reg[ 2]=0007 reg[ 3]=c0f1 reg[ 4]=05e1 reg[ 5]=0020 reg[ 6]=0000 reg[ 7]=ffff reg[ 8]=ffff reg[ 9]=ffff reg[10]=ffff reg[11]=ffff reg[12]=ffff reg[13]=ffff reg[14]=ffff reg[15]=0000 reg[16]=0040 reg[17]=0002 reg[18]=00e0 reg[19]=ffff reg[20]=0000 reg[21]=0000 reg[22]=0000 reg[23]=0000 reg[24]=ffff reg[25]=ffff reg[26]=0000 reg[27]=000a reg[28]=0000 reg[29]=00c0 reg[30]=00d0 reg[31]=1044 reg[32]=1000 PHY_status 3: 10M half ===tx desc === ♯ address status size buf1addr nextdesc 00 2001dea0 00100000 00000000 2001dec0 2001c000 01 2001c000 30100000 0000003c 2001c020 2001c620 02 2001c620 30100000 0000003c 2001c640 2001cc40 03 2001cc40 30100000 0000003c 2001cc60 2001d260 04 2001d260 30100000 0000003c 2001d280 2001d880 05 2001d880 30100000 0000003c 2001d8a0 2001dea0 ===rx desc === ♯ address status size buf1addr nextdesc 00 2001e4c0 80000000 00004600 2001e4e0 2001eae0 01 2001eae0 80000000 00004600 2001eb00 2001f100 02 2001f100 80000000 00004600 2001f120 2001f720 03 2001f720 80000000 00004600 2001f740 2001e4c0 mac 40028000 MACCR = 0000800c 40028004 MACFFR = 00000040 40028008 MACHTHR = 00000000 4002800c MACHTLR = 00000000 40028010 MACMIIAR = 00000010 40028014 MACMIIDR = 00001000 40028018 MACFCR = 00000080 4002801c MACVLANTR = 00000000 40028028 MACRWUFFR = 00000000 4002802c MACPMTCSR = 00000000 40028038 MACSR = 00000000 4002803c MACIMR = 00000000 40028040 MACA0HR = 80007204 40028044 MACA0LR = 03020100 40028048 MACA1HR = 0000ffff 4002804c MACA1LR = ffffffff 40028050 MACA2HR = 0000ffff 40028054 MACA2LR = ffffffff 40028058 MACA3HR = 0000ffff 4002805c MACA3LR = ffffffff mmc 40028100 MMCCR = 00000000 40028104 MMCRIR = 00000000 40028108 MMCTIR = 00000000 4002810c MMCRIMR = 00020060 40028110 MMCTIMR = 0020c000 4002814c MMCTGFSCCR = 00000000 40028150 MMCTGFMSCCR = 00000000 40028168 MMCTGFCR = 00000005 // tx is good, I can see it by wireshark too 40028194 MMCRFCECR = 00000000 40028198 MMCRFAECR = 00000000 400281c4 MMCRGUFCR = 00000000dma
40029000 DMABMR = 02c16080 40029004 DMATPDR = 00000000 40029008 DMARPDR = 00000000 4002900c DMARDLAR = 2001e4c0 40029010 DMATDLAR = 2001c000 40029014 DMASR = 00660404 40029018 DMAOMR = 06202002 4002901c DMAIER = 00010040 40029020 DMAMFBOCR = 00000000 40029024 DMARSWTR = 00000000 40029048 DMACHTDR = 2001dea0 4002904c DMACHRDR = 2001e4c0 40029050 DMACHTBAR = 2001dec0 40029054 DMACHRBAR = 2001e4e0 #mac-driver2013-12-19 06:27 PM
This problem happens on 10M half duplex ethernet hub.
I tested it again on 100M full ethernet for 100 times, never happens. So, my software driver should be no problem. Hope ST engineers to test driver on 10M ethernet too. I guess, MACCR's start bits must have timing requirement. but what is it? or, even when the bit is 1, writing 1 again will trigger some internal actions again, so where is the status bit to indicate it is realy started.2013-12-20 08:15 AM
I wrote my
I had the same
using this enable sequence
;sometimes (
I do not know
)the device
was not working
writing instead
= (
);always works
do not ask me
2013-12-26 05:13 PM
2013-12-26 07:06 PM
Thanks for the update, btw what PHY's are you guys using in these applications?
2013-12-27 08:55 AM
I work with wvshare STM32F4 devboard (OPEN407I)
The board kit include also an ETH interface with PHY DP83848.