2016-02-01 5:31 AM
Hello everyone,
Hope you're fine. I've just received a Nucleo 446 Board (STM32F446). I want to use it with Simulink, but when I try to build the matlab code( first from existing model 'LED_Model'), the diagnstic manager show me the error in the image! I try many time to reduild it but withouth result . I will be really gratful if you can help me. Thank You.2016-02-01 7:39 AM
Hi Mohamed,
where did you find stm32f4discovery_led4 model? I don't find it in STM32-MAT/TARGET toolkithttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF258513?s_searchtype=partnumber
Best regards Pascal2016-02-01 12:20 PM
Hi pascal.
I found the Model after installation of the support packages of the STM32 discovery. As my first use of the board, I tried to simulate this simple model, then I can Implement my project code. Thanks for any idea that could hep me to resolve the prob!