2021-05-29 5:36 PM
I am reading 64bit values from flash
uint64_t DATA_read = *(__IO uint64_t *)0x0801E010;
Where THE FLASH ADDERSS 0x0801E010 contains 5A5A5A5A 00440040
DATA_read value afer this read is 0x400044005a5a5a5a
if I read
uint64_t DATA_read = *(__IO uint64_t *)0x0801E010;
Where THE FLASH ADDERSS 0x0801E010 contains 0F00A007 4342A17F DFFEF9B6 3783E0F6
DATA_read value afer this read is Hex:0x7fa1424307a0000f
if I read it in 8 bit chunks is works fine
uint32_t StartAddress=0x0801C000;
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
Rx_Data[i]= *(uint8_t *)StartAddress++;
2021-05-29 6:15 PM
Clearly, you are displaying the 64-bit values and whatever THE FLASH ADDERSS is, in different endianity.
I guess, THE FLASH ADDERSS is something coming from a tool (debugger?) displaying in big endian. STM32 is little endian only.
2021-05-29 6:37 PM
The issue is that it reads each uint8_t of the uint64_t but puts the most signnificant Byte at the least significant position so a number that starts with 0F00A007 ends up ending with 07A0000F reversing the bytes.
2021-05-29 6:38 PM
Im using CUBEIDE_1.3.0 downloaded from ST
2021-05-30 9:34 AM
> puts the most signnificant Byte at the least significant position
As JW says, that is what happens on a little endian system. You'll need to adjust how you interpret the value. There is no way to change the STM32 to store values in big endian format.