2008-09-07 9:00 PM
Encoder Interface
2011-05-17 3:43 AM
The firmware library uses the TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig() function for configuring the Encoder interface. How can you specify which pins to capture? The config function only passes the timer itself (e.g. TIM4) but it does not specify which pins to use. The only way I could guess to do this is to map two pins from gpio to TIM4, then assume that those pins would be used. Is that right? If so, then doesn't that prevent us from using the other pins on the TIMx for other purposes such as pwm? Any help would be appreciated.2011-05-17 3:43 AM
The Channel 1 and 2 of TIMx is used in this mode. If you initialize GPIO for alternative function with Channel 1 and 2 this will work. I do not know If you can initialize other channels for different functions?2011-05-17 3:43 AM
Thanks for the info. Is that documented anywhere? The only thing I could find is TIMx TIy with respect to the encoder interface. Does TIy refer to the channel? If so, why not CHy? What do the initials ''TI'' refer to?2011-05-17 3:43 AM
Check the picture form page 267 of ref. manual.