2016-07-18 7:47 AM
In Eclipse debugging: The Restart button will not function properly. When the button is hit, the application continues to run from where it was or runs off into the weeds, but it never restarts the application. In order to restart the app, the launch must be terminated and relaunched, which takes extra time and has to reload the flash.
The MCU is a STM32F100 ST Micro ARM processor with a C++ project.To clarify, the Restart button is in the Debug perspective on the toolbar to the right of the red terminate button, and it's the green button with a left arrow underneath.Tools in use: Eclipse Mars 2, CDT, GNU/ARM toolchain. Restart doesn't work on both the Ubuntu or Windows installations.I've checked the launch configuration and I don't see any issue. The launch works fine, except for the Restart capability. I've attached a zip with screenshots of the debug configuration. Any advise on configuration, or if this is a known issue with no resolution would be helpful. #eclipse-restart-process-issue2016-07-18 9:33 AM
You probably work with ARM eclipse plugin? Restart will work properly only when core is not halted. This depending which gdb server you are use.
2016-07-18 12:39 PM
It is the GNU/ARM Eclipse plugin that comes with CDT installation. I'm using Segger JLink to debug. The GDB server comes from Segger and is JLinkGDBServerCL.exe. I'm not sure what mode JLink puts the core, but all other debugging works fine (step in, step over, jump to line, etc). What would cause JLink to not be able to Restart the process?
2016-07-18 1:08 PM
I'm using Jlink but not very often, and without ARM plugin.
But with STLINK when i pres reset button, when core is halted (for example in breakpoint) reset will not be detected by GDB. Check it. Becose it maybe reset, but GDB will lost this situation. I recomend you to ask, on this plugin forum/mailing list.2016-07-19 3:09 PM
I called Segger and talked to tech support. Segger claims they have many reports of Restart not working, and are not sure why it occurs, but they are sure that it's an Eclipse issue and not their issue. It's good finger pointing. Not sure how Segger is sure it's not their issue if they never investigated the cause / solution. I'm not convinced Segger knows (or cares), based on their feedback.
The restart button is a never ending problem story in Eclipse.
It has nothing to do with J-Link, more with the way it is integrated in Eclipse.
Some distributions do not even provide a restart button, some provide it but it does not work, some provide it and it works initially but stops working after an update of Eclipse.
Sorry, he has to get in touch with the Eclipse community.