2019-10-18 6:16 AM
I configured a Project with STM32CubeMX 5.3 for STM32F042.
Using Nucleo-Board witch Jumpering for MCO from STLink..
The 1ms Timer works fine when using HAL for RCC, but it goes double Speed when changing RCC to LL. I have to limit Codesize for a Bootloader, so i can't use HAL.
Actually i don't know where is the Fault?
2019-10-18 8:00 AM
Read out and check content of relevant RCC and Systick/timer (whichever applies) registers. Maybe comparing them between the two cases would help to reveal the problem.
2019-10-18 8:52 AM
Thank you for quick reaction, i know how to find wrong Values in the Registers, that's not the case here.
I want to know how i have to set up the Codegenerator.
2019-10-18 9:10 AM
So what’s different between the two?
2019-10-18 9:15 AM
Well, good luck with that, then.