2013-06-21 5:49 AM
I am starting a new project using a STM32F051K4U6. I have not used an ARM ever before, I've mostly used 8 bit micros, lots of MSP430 work in the last few years.I am very familiar with IAR EW, been using it for 10 years. So, of course I looked there first when deciding on what to use for the STM32 processor. The EWARM is sooo damn expensive! It's like $3400 - $7000 or something like that.I've gotten pricing for some of the others, Tasking, Keil, I forget what else, they are less certainly but is it worth it to use the IAR as I have used it so much? My knee-jerk reaction is that it is probably *not* worth it ... I've learned plenty of development environments, I can probably learn another.I'd appreciate any feedback regarding this.Thanks.Mike #eclipse-gcc-gdb #eclipse #iar2013-06-21 6:15 AM
My experience and (horror) stories from others gives me the following opinion:
IAR and Keil are the best choice if either is not in the budget, you are better off with the free GNU than the less pricey 'professional' packages. many ARM suppliers provide an Eclipse package including the GNU compiler. I have had the luxury of never using ST without Keil or IAR so I do not know if ST does. Erik2013-06-21 6:48 AM
The low cost route would be Eclipse and GCC. Look at the Yagarto.de website to get started. I've used the Eclipse/GCC combination for several years developing commercial products. However, the usual caveats for open source apply...you are mostly on your own for support. The Eclipse/GCC system isn't the easiest to learn; you'll need patience and time to work up the learning curve. On the plus side, once past the learning curve it's dirt cheap.
From hard experience I would recommend a good JTAG. I use the Segger J-Link, very few problems, good support and it works well with GDB. From what I've seen most all the problems are with debugging and the JTAG adapter, so invest in a good one. Jack Peacock2013-06-21 7:32 AM
You can try it is a free Eclipse base IDE that work with GNU C compiler.I have tried it and it is good.It is very easy to to setup compare to yagarto plus it work with ST link V2 and Jlink debugger.They also provide RTOS for free. regards2013-06-21 7:42 AM
Agree with sentiments - both Erik and Jack. That said - while you've detailed past experience - IDE usage - you provide no description of your proposed ARM projects and development scope. (and - these clearly impact IDE choice - mais non?)
Our group is fortunate to have multiple seats - paid IAR - and of course J-Link. Simply works - and support (extra cost) is quick - usually expert. While learning - you most likely can get by w/32KB code-size limited version. (IAR or Keil) Full (unlimited size) trial exists - but simply krazy to use while learning. 30 days will pass (blink of an eye) - and then what? You can fit much code w/in 32KB - and if insufficient - F0 board is so low cost - add a 2nd! (Very likely that you can divide/conquer larger program requirement in this manner - too little considered imho...) If multi MCUs not distasteful - you may be able to ''daisy chain'' SWD (not JTAG) from MCU to MCU - thus single J-Link hook-up may ease. (my SWD read indicates this may be done - but have yet to try) Nothing (other than added pcb real estate) prevents you from debug/program of MCUs via unique JTAG/SWD signal lines/headers - sequentially - should my ''SWD daisy-chain'' suggestion hiccup... Use of code-size limited - pro-IDE - gets you up/running w/out pain/effort/delay of, ''do it yourself'' - and paves the way for your migration later (as/if it makes sense) to ''paid'' version. (and there are discount - i.e. 256KB sized versions...) As you list familiarity/comfort w/IAR - seems, ''no brainer...'' Why introduce the joy/delay of new system - unless its clear your ARM development will quickly over-flow your familiar, yet limited size IAR use. Do checkout the new F0 eval board - you could not design/build similar for this price - and via clever ''program division/segregation'' - you may ''escape'' code size limitation... (should this succeed - legal opinion very much urged - comment herein is theory only - and intent always is to meet both letter & spirit of existing law)2013-06-21 8:59 AM
I have used CooCox and ChibiStudio. Both come with an RTOS
Both are Eclipse based but they do some of the work configuring and installing compilers and tools. You can go the Yagarto route, it works, but you have to go to the web to find all the little setup issues with debugging.I would agree with most about JTAG. Although OpenOCD has come a long way and now supports ST-Link, I too, prefer the Segger J-Link.Rowley Crossworks is $1500.there is Attolic as well, with a free limited code size demo download.so start with the freebies.2013-06-21 11:10 AM
Rowley Crossworks is $1500.
Beg to disagree. For private, i.e. non-commercial purposes, you get a licence for 1/10 of that, about 150.
2013-06-21 12:32 PM
Thanks a million for your replies. Truthfully, we probably do have money in the budget for the EWARM. I will probably try the code limited one first, I think for this processor the code is limited to 16K which will likely still be enough to get started.
We did buy 6 of the F0 development boards, I can't belive how cheap they are ... $7 each I think!I will try the other tools too.Mike2013-06-21 12:43 PM
Sure, but as I read his posts, he is developing a commercial product.
2013-06-22 1:41 AM
Sure, but as I read his posts, he is developing a commercial product.
Perhaps I missed this in the original post. For professional usage, Keil and IAR are definitely worth the money. There are lots of personal preferences involved, but I would put my trust in Keil, as it's owned by ARM. There is an obvious advantage in codesize and performance, compared to gcc based toolchains. I'm missing the experience with IAR here ...