2011-11-22 05:14 AM
I need a delay(uint) function for my stm32f103ze project. My IDE is KEIL with STM32 Std.Periph. v3.5.0 I found a snipped in a KEIL example but I don't understand it and I dont know if its correct. volatile unsigned long TimeTick; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delay function delays number of tick Systicks (happens every 10 ms) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Delay (unsigned long tick) { unsigned long timetick; timetick = TimeTick; while ((TimeTick - timetick) < tick); } Do you guys would help me please to find a solution? with regards alex2011-11-22 06:09 AM
The answer is right there tick Systicks (happens every 10 ms)
2011-11-22 08:15 AM
You would set up a SysTick interrupt with a period that is suitable for your timing requirements. If it was ticking at 1ms, you end up with about +/-1ms of slop depending on when you enter your delay routine.
The library examples should contain a complete SysTick example, and the interrupt code is in a separate file within the project. Another approach, which doesn't require interrupts, would be to use the Core's cycle counter, which at 72 MHz would give you about 14 nanosecond granularity.