2016-09-23 9:33 AM
Hi everyone! I'm having some difficulty getting variables to be declared in external SRAM. I'm using a STM32L4. If I do address casting like the FMC example project for the eval board in the library code I can access the SRAM, but I can't seem to declare a variable to be always there.
Here are the changes I've made to the default STM32L476G linker file:/* Specify the memory areas */MEMORY{FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 1024KRAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 96KSRAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x60000000, LENGTH = 128K}And at the end:/* Add section for external RAM */ .bssext : { _sbssext = .; /* define a global symbol at bssext start */ __bssext_start__ = _sbssext; *(.bssext) *(.bssext*) . = ALIGN(4); _ebssext = .; /* define a global symbol at bssext end */ __bssext_end__ = _ebssext; } >SRAM AT> RAM /* Remove information from the standard libraries */ /* Unchanged, but included to show where it is in the linker file */ /DISCARD/ : { libc.a ( * ) libm.a ( * ) libgcc.a ( * ) }At the top of one of my files I'm declaring a variable as such:__attribute__((section(''.bssext''))) uint8_t pExtMemoryTest[32];This should be putting it into the .bssext section, which should be in SRAM, but the map file says it's still in regular ram. .bss._ZL13gs_mainBuffer 0x20002368 0x200 Debug/CdcRxForwardTask.o .bssext 0x20002568 0x20 Debug/DpmBootTask.o0x20002568 pExtMemoryTest .bss._ZN6HwInit14m_nResetReasonE 0x20002588 0x4 Debug/DpmHwInit.o 0x20002588 _ZN6HwInit14m_nResetReasonEIt's right in the middle of the .bss section and is clearly in internal RAM.What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
2016-09-23 9:58 AM
Ok, shockingly easy solution. Changed it from bssext to extbss and all is well with the world.