2016-02-10 09:49 AM
Dear ST,
CubeMx lets me enter user labels. Which is a good feature. However Label starting with digits will fail in compilation proccess. In my case I put ''12V_SENSE'' as on the schematic program. Please check User Labels to match ''C'' convention for variables names. Or generate a proper sequence. (i.e. putting undeline before - I don't know if this breaks C conventions) Regards, Adib. -- #!stm32-!cubemx2016-02-10 12:48 PM
Yes, this has been the case with C identifiers since about 1972.
You COULD change your identifier to V12_SENSE or _12V_SENSE or even _12, and all of those would compile.Andrei from The Great White North2016-02-10 02:17 PM
Hello Andrei,
yes I know I am able to change. But as CubeMx is the Codegenerator for C-Code it must repect that limitation in one or the other way. Either restrict the user or find a way around. FYI if you put a space or slash it will be replaced by underline. So, for me this is clearly a limitation. Call it a bug. Adib.