2016-01-04 1:37 AM
I use the CubeMX tool to generate a standard configuration for a TM32F429I-DISCO board. All seem to work fine but although the documentation mentions that the STemwin stuff are included with the CUBE, I does not come up in the middelware layer in the tool. Is there a special way to have it included? P.S. I downloaded and installed all the latest releases and patches for the tool and the cube.2016-01-06 9:27 PM
Is there no one with even an idea on this? STM folk?
2016-01-08 12:48 AM
Hello Marius,
STemwin is supported in the STM32Cube embedded software package. However, it is not yet supported by STM32CubeMX code generation tool. So you will have to manually add it to your project. Such support is planned but not yet available. Sorry for the inconvenience.