2017-05-25 12:20 PM
We now have CubeMX version 3.20 Tried to make a project for the 407 but no support for the DP83848 ??
Can somewhere share an example project using CubeMX and LwIP
2017-05-26 1:06 AM
allows generating C initialization code but does not provide example code for now.
So, you can refer to the example available within STM32CubeF4 v4.16 firmware package:
Hope this bring you some help.
2017-07-08 11:29 AM
Hi it seems hard convert the ST example code of LwIP to the CubeMX generated version. The only thing what does work is connecting my DP83848 to STM32F407 discovery board using RMII and with only putting MX_LWIP_Process() in the main while loop i get an ip adress. I can ping my board.
Now something more, tried to input the example project http server raw into my project but now lots of errors. (array type has incomplete element type 'struct fsdata_file')
Tried to import someones telnet program (very basic) and now error constant MEMP_SYS_TIMEOUT not found. (even with a seach of every file it comes from nowhere!
Has someone managed to do someting with LwIP with a CubeMX gererated project? Please share an example. And ST: why are the examples that come with the hal drivers not made with CubeMX?:
2017-07-10 8:12 AM
Hi Mark
I have been able to do a programme using a CubeMX project and LwIP .My programme is a simple UDP echo.I have had issues with preprocessor generation especially with the MEMP_ macro.My fix for this problem was to add ♯ include 'lwip/memp.h' to my main.c file.The compiler may trig the error from time to time but ,when deleting the error message and recompiling the program the error message should not reappear.For the DP83848 compatibility do not worry since settings for LAN8720 and DP83848 are the same(in CubeMX).