2015-08-21 12:31 PM
I apologize for my bad English, but I do not have anyone to ask. My task is to create a USB host to work with flash pametyu. I also use fatfs. I'm using a microcontroller STM32f407VG. To create a project I use CubeMX 4.9. Just to study, I use the example of FatFs_USBDiskSTM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.6.0. What is the proper question. Analyzing the example I knew how to work with flash memory, but after creating the project using CubeMX I could not do anything himself. Can anyone suggest how to write code after the creation of the project in order to be able to mount a drive to create a file and write to it anything. Thanks in advance.2015-08-21 1:47 PM
The FatFs stuff is modelled after the classic C File IO functions.
Chan's site has a lot of exampleshttp://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/en/open.html
2015-08-21 2:07 PM
2015-10-07 6:16 AM
same problem here. Do you have a solution by now? Michael2015-10-27 7:38 AM
My Solution:
Before mounting the drive, you have to check, if theid
paramter of theUSBH_UserProcess
. FAT operations are only working in this state. Michael