2018-08-26 12:26 AM
I'm working on the NUCLEO-H743ZI (STM32 H7 processor).
In main after enabeling the MPU I enabled the D-Cache by calling SCB_EnableDCache().
I noticed that my RAM starting at 0x30000000 is getting corrupted after calling SCB_EnableDCache() .
Any Ideas what am I missing here?
2018-08-26 8:11 AM
>>Any Ideas what am I missing here?
The picture lacks much clarity.
Corrupt how, from what point-of-view (debugger)?
Can you provide code that minimally demonstrates the situation?
2018-08-27 9:38 PM
Corrupt from DEBUGGER poiny-of-view (IAR).
In main my first line is: SCB_EnableDCache() stepping into the function I noticed that after running to _DSB() (line 2268) after the two do-while loops my memory, that was initialized to zero before main, is getting corrupted for example at address 0x30007920 to 0x3000795F.