2018-01-24 12:58 AM
Hi I'm using the STM32F745VE on a Product.
I have been using a nucleo board (with ST link utility) to program the product via SWD connector (3V3 provided separately) which has been fine so far.
I am now at our suppliers site with the same lap-top, cables and nucleo PCB but when I try to 'connect to target' on their PCBs its takes a long time then gives 'Cannot connect to target'. Once OK is pressed the message in the bottom pane of ST-Link says 'core held in reset'
When I probe the reset pin on the target PCB it is 0.8V. This is the same whether the Nucleo is connected to the Lap-top or not. If I disconnect the Nucleo from the target PCB its reset pin returns to 3v3.
What I would like to know is if the nucleo should pull the reset down like this or is it broken? it was in an aircraft hold for 10+ hours. I don't think its the target PCB but this is the only thing that is different.
Many thanks
2018-01-24 6:47 AM
Review the custom circuit.
Confirm VDDA connectivity. Check VCAP voltage and caps as placed.