2016-03-21 9:01 AM
I am playing with STM32F030 device. Accordingly to ''DMA request mapping'' table (RM0091), it should be possible to use DMA1_Channel4 for TIM3_TRIG request, but I have some doubt how to do it in the right way.
What I am trying, but without success:// Using ''Update'' event as a TIM3 trigger outputTIM_SelectOutputTrigger(TIM3, TIM_TRGOSource_Update); // Setting TIM_DMA_Trigger as DMA source TIM_DMACmd(TIM3, TIM_DMA_Trigger, ENABLE);I believe the other timer and DMA initialisation is correct. I was able to use DMA1_Channel3 with TIM3_UP request - it works as expected. Now I want to use DMA1_Channel4 because I need two DMA channels working upon TIM3 Update event. #tim_dma_trigger2016-03-21 2:21 PM
While the RMs are far from being crystal clear in this respect, I believe that the Trigger interrupt/DMA source refers to TRGI rather than TRGO.