2016-11-17 06:51 AM
Hello I'm working on an audio system, I have stored audio files as binary data on an external EEPROM and using STM32F407VGT6 I'm taking this data and send it through DAC to external amplifier and then speaker. now I want to add the possibility to connect an external available on market subwoofer (which used with PCs) and it should take the audio data through 3.5 audio jack, should I connect the audio jack directly to DAC or to the amplifier? I'm afraid if I connect it directly to DAC it may put overload on it!
#clive1 #clive12016-11-18 04:01 AM
Could some help? and thanks in advance
2016-11-18 05:28 AM
2016-11-21 05:03 AM
is 0.22uF
DC-Blocking capacitor a good value?
2016-11-21 01:32 PM
If you are driving a sub-woofer, I would use a larger value. 10 uF or 22 uF are good values to drive the sub-woofer's line input, assuming the input impedance is greater than 1k ohms. This will give less lower bass rolloff, and pass the full level bass signal to the sub-woofer amp.
2016-11-24 01:25 AM
Thank you so much!