2009-12-21 8:30 PM
Config tools For STM32?
2011-05-17 4:34 AM
Do u have some Config tools for STM32 like that for upsd32xx?We can config the hardware in GUI and it can output program automatic.The ICCAVR is have that function for AVR.I think if STM32 has a tool like that,we coulde be happy.
Chinese: STM32有没有�?ICCAVR�?置AVR芯片并能够自动生�?代�?的那�?�?置工具? 哈哈,中文比英文简�?�简�?�啊,大鼻们都学中文�?�。[ This message was edited by: roderick1983 on 16-12-2009 09:52 ]2011-05-17 4:34 AM
There are plans for beginning of '10 (but no guarantee). Alpha version looks promising.
2011-05-17 4:34 AM
Hi,TKS!Did u mean that the STmicro will give the tools at 2010 year?I wish STmicro give the tools,it will help us,sometimes ,the STM32's libs not good for use,it's too difficult.