2011-11-01 7:00 AM
I have been trying to compile the Demo for the STM32F4 Discovery board and I have been getting errors for Missing header files.
Does anyone know where I can get the following header files? armcm4.h arm_math.h Thanks2011-11-01 9:58 AM
I didn't have any problems, using the Atollic tools.
2011-11-01 1:06 PM
Using what compiler? You need to be more specific.
For example Keil 4.22 has arm_math.h (V1.0.10 15 July 2011) and core_cm4.h in the \Keil\ARM\CMSIS\Include directory. ARMCM4.h (V1.05 26 July 2011) is in the \Keil\ARM\Device\ARM\ARMCM4\Include directory. Older versions are no doubt on the internets if you care to look.2011-11-02 5:30 AM
I am using the TrueStudio Lite compiler and it doesn't come with the armcm4.h header file.
I tried searching Google but found nothing. Does anyone have a link?2011-11-02 5:18 PM
I figured out the compiling problems. Some reason the import didn't work from the Demo so I re-imported the project and it worked. I think the compiler was trying to compile the wrong project and that is why it failed.
Thanks for the help.2011-12-20 4:20 PM
I just ran into the same problem. If you track down the include statement that references the file, you will notice it is in the default case of an if/else if tree based on what kind of processor core you are using. I added the following define in the project ARM_MATH_CM3 and the problem goes away (for me). But I am trying to get eclipse working with code sourcery. I want to use all of the different development environments before I choose one. So far code red seems the best deal ...