2010-01-15 12:02 AM
Communicating with an EEPROM over SPI
2011-05-17 04:37 AM
Thanks, the best news was that was the last module of the application :)
Dave2011-05-17 04:37 AM
Hi Dave6,
To help the next person who reads this thread, please could you publish what you ''Fixed'' and how? thanks.2011-05-17 04:38 AM
The critical point here was to realise that this EEPROM requires an edge detection on the chip select pin to deliniate the start and end of command, so for write enable, requires a high-low transition before command and low-high transition after. This also applied to the READ command and waiting for the data to arrive using a while loop on RXNE and supplying dummy data to activate the clock so that the data can be read into the STM32. Regards Dave