2016-11-30 10:45 AM
I am trying to set a character match interrupt on Uart2 of stm32L4 (discovery board).all things work fine but it just seems to have a bug, in page 1229 of STM32L4X6 datasheet it is written:''This bit field can only be written when reception is disabled (RE = 0)or
the USART is disabled(UE=0)''before i write CR2[32:24] for the Character, i Disable RE, but CR2 doesn't get new value !it only gets new Value when i Disable UE !means i have to disable whole uart to be able to write on CR2 character match side.is it a bug in MCU or i'm doing something wrong ... ?!2016-11-30 10:59 AM
2016-12-01 7:32 AM
Check in the Errata sheet if you have the same conditions as described in the device limitations!Regards