2013-06-07 05:56 AM
I tried to change my program from STM32F207IG to STM32F207IF and I have fail.In options for target I have changed the device to STM32F207IF.Then I go to Options for Target -> Debug -> Settings -> Flash Download. There's no option to stm32f2xxwith 768 Kbytes Flash.
So I have to change another thing like the memory start and size? I tried to program and receive SWD Comunication Error.I dont know if the problem is with my PCB or the program.Thanks for reading.Bye
2013-06-07 07:07 AM
Can you compile the project succesfully?If the project can be compiled but can not load the .axf file, you should change the debugger/linker options.Firstly, you should select the mcu as STM32F207IF. Then, control the linker options. Is there any scatter file? If there isn't any scatter file selected, the last chance is controlling the right debugger options.Good luck,2013-06-07 07:45 AM
There's no option to stm32f2xx with 768 Kbytes Flash.
I think you'll find they all use the 1MB die, and are marked with lower ratings based on what's tested and pricing stratification. The memory size used by Keil will be the IROM/IRAM numbers in the target dialog, or scatter file. A communication issue is more likely to be a board issue. Suggest you try with something like a Segger J-Link, and use the jlink.exe command line tools to access/probe and generally confirm connectivity/functionality. You could also try ST-Link, and it's Utility to a similar end. Remove Keil, and those flash settings, or CPU selection issues, from the equation. I don't think this issue is with Keil, but you need to go validate these things.2013-06-07 07:48 AM
Yes I have compiled it all ok.I have MCBSTM32F2 kit and I tested to program my update software to STM32F207IF and it get no error.So I tought that the problem must be in my PCB.2013-06-07 08:07 AM
One of my primary lines uses an F205 with 256KB, these program out to 1MB and I haven't had a problem playing with the target options.
On your board check your programming header, make sure connectors aren't backward, or pins mirrored, or interleaved incorrectly (ie 1,2,3,4 vs 1,3,5,7). For SWD you minimally need the two SWD pins (SWCLK/SWDIO), GND and NRST, optionally the SWO(JTDO)2013-06-07 09:39 AM
It seems ok to me the header and the pins. The pins numbers are right with the datasheet.2013-06-07 09:55 AM
That doesn't appear objectionable.
Bridged connections would be something to watch. Excessive heat might cause latent failure, but I'd discount this until I'd done some more general testing. Have a couple of boards built. Have you confirmed the chip is functioning? Check the Digital, Analogue and Battery supplies. VCAP pins at ~1.25V. NRESET High. Check System Loader, BOOT0 High send 0x7F to USART1 or USART3 at 9600 8E1 (Even Parity, important), check for an 0x79 response.2013-06-13 08:01 AM
Hi Clive,
I check the supplies, VCAP and NRESET. It is ok and the STM32 is programming now.I test a program to blinky leds and It worked on MCBSTM32F2xx. When I put it on my PCB no blinky.I make the test with the BOOT0 High and sending a 9600, 8 data bits and even parity.Nothing returned.any idea?2013-06-13 08:40 AM
So you can program your board now?
So when you try to run the blinky code can you step through it with the debugger? What does that suggest?2013-06-13 09:44 AM