2011-05-06 3:36 AM
Change device USB properties for DFU Mode
2011-05-17 5:34 AM
The second string ''STM Device in DFU Mode'' derives exactly from the INF file, as you expected. But it is copied to the registry at the first plug in. Therefore, to update the message, you have to delete the device instance from the registry once. And re-install the device using modified INF file again.
This utility is convenient to delete (uninstall) device instances from registry, because it lists up all devices registered, regardless of device connection.
Also, the original INF file is renamed and copied to \Windows\inf\ folder, as oemXXX.inf. Delete this oemXXX.inf and oemXXX.pnf files. To find the renamed INF file, search a specific string on the INF file, using ''grep'' utility, or text editor. For example using Windows command line,
> findstr /I vid_0483 c:\Windows\inf\*.inf
2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Ah, C:\Windows\inf folder is invisible as the default.
You may need to make it visible.
For example,
2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Thanks. That helped.
Now to the next question. I have the INF file with ST VID (0483), but I want to change to our VID. So I change in target DFU_DeviceDescriptor list and I replace all 0483 to my VID. It seems that the driver is installed correctly but there is a message that the driver could not be started (error code 10). Is VID integrated in some kind of checksum in the INF file. Like: [STTub30.AddLicences] ; 24BE_DF11 HKR,6f72a98be4e1edad,''{3FE809AB-FB91-4cb5-A643-69670D52366E}'',, '''' BR Jens2012-01-18 4:30 PM
Hi Jens,
I faced the exactly same problem. Have you figured it out why the PC will report the device cannot be started?RegardsFrank