2011-07-28 10:15 PM
I have been testing CAN on a board using stm32f107vc cpu.I have done the testing first using the example code from st site where CAN will communicate in loop-back mode. That was working fine. I tailored the code to test CAN in normal mode. For this i have connected two custom boards back to back.The test failed as the received message is not matching to the transmitted one. But while doing probing with an oscilloscope both the tranmitted and the received message are perfectly matching. Please help ...any suggetions would be highly appreciated.
#can #stm32f107vc #stm322011-07-29 02:14 AM
In STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Library there is an other CAN example named: ''Networking''. Please try this one, it should works fine. Cheers, STOne-32.