2021-02-23 12:39 AM
In my project, I sample the ADCs ( ADC1 & ADC2 ) every 1 millisecond.
My ADC configuration :
In order to test my ADC driver, I inject 1HZ sinus. to 1 of the ADC1 channels.
The issue is that I can't see the LSB's bits change in a natural way.
The sample results (raw data) change like this :
64,127,1024, 2048
I can't get the 50uV (3/2^16) resolution.
Please advice,
If need I can upload the IOC file or any other source.
Best regards,
2021-03-12 8:41 AM
Hi @moranf
You can refer to application note AN2834 "How to get the best ADC accuracy in STM32 microcontrollers" with intention on section "3. ADC errors".