2015-06-15 12:25 PM
#lmgtfy #can-bus #stm32f207 #can-prescale-and-quanta2015-06-24 2:53 AM
im still trying to run it but nothing works, i see data on osciloscop
2015-06-24 8:37 AM
eh i try almos all prescalers and still nothing, maybe its converter problem but i cant check it i think
I've never found banging in random values a good way to diagnose problems.Do you have a schematic for this board you're using? Please provide.
2015-06-24 9:19 AM
i was count and i set 4 for 500 br, and i set same br on converter. I have schema only on paper but i try make it fast on pc
2015-06-24 9:27 AM
i was count and i set 4 for 500 br, and i set same br on converter.
500KbpsThat would be coherent with my understanding that the CAN's APB clock is at 30 MHz, and you have 15 time quanta (1 + 6 + 8).ie ((30,000,000 / 4) / 15) = 500,000
2015-06-24 10:08 AM
2015-06-24 10:37 AM
Ok, and if you lose R1 and R4 can just connect the west side to CAN-H and CAN-L of the bus, with a 120 Ohm termination between them, does that function any better?
Do you have two of these boards, and can you set them up in receive and transmit modes?2015-06-24 10:48 AM
i have only one, i will try to get second at the morning, Ou and i have on can out 5khz freq but on converter its a 10-60 its not stable, but when i connect devices then all loks normal
2015-06-25 1:04 AM
I have 2 devices now, but still not working i set reciving on first and sending on second.
2015-06-25 3:12 AM
someone have idea?
2015-06-25 8:44 AM
Hi Not sure if this helps ...
Sometime ago I invested in a Peak PCAN View (USB) which allows you work with a known Transmitter and Receiver. You can set say 1M bit and transmit a CAN message and check timing of data on an Oscilloscope, I think 1Mbit is 1uSec, 500K is 2uSec etc. If you have clocks etc incorrect it ususally easier to pin point the problems albeit I do struggle with CAN ... Good Luck. KR John.W