2013-12-19 9:53 PM
I used STM32F407 to generate pulse output in 4 channel of TIM2 , these 4 channels are configured in output compare mode and toggle mode, which compare value are DMA transfered. Every channel works fine when working indepently, but the 4th channel output becomes bad when these 4 channels work simultaneously.
In my project, every channel have 4 compare value in one timer period, it seems 4th channel DMA only transferred 2 value for comparision.Does any have ideas? Thanks a lot!2013-12-19 10:01 PM
2013-12-19 10:51 PM
I looked into the DMA registers, the NDTR register of DMA1_Stream7(corresponding to 4th channel) becomes 2, while other channels is 4. This value seems corrupted by hardware internally. Will it be STM32F407 serious MCU's hardware bug? I tried STM32F407IG and STM32F407ZG, the bug exists in both model chip.