2010-07-07 2:07 PM
Bootloader support for new CortexM3 devices
#stm322011-05-17 4:57 AM
engineering samples, they must be old :)
v2.2 supports the HD parts, so it may be down to the early silicon you have. Cheers Spen2011-05-17 4:57 AM
2011-05-17 4:57 AM
2011-05-17 4:57 AM
Hello STOne-32,
You nailed it, thanks. -Glenn2011-05-17 4:57 AM
, We received the new parts yesterday and one is mounted on our board. The part seems to function just fine except for this problem. The Flash Loader DemonstratorV2
.2.0 program does not recognize the part. When I connect theULINK2
to the board, the flash memory is viewable and has these characteristics. I can see thebootloader
code in system memory at0x1FFFE000
. If I have theBOOT0
pin at logic one, The same code is visible at location0x00000000
and thebootloader
code begins execution after reset as expected. What looks weird is thebootloader
option bytes at location0x1FFFF800
. This data looks like a test pattern in the first two bytes. Here is the data from0x1FFFF800
FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF 00 FF ......... FF Would you check into this please. Here are the details. Part on the boardSTM32F103VGT6P
(note the P at the end, it does not sayPROTO
on the chip)2011-05-17 4:57 AM
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The pattern on Option bytes is normal , these are the default values on all new chips (lets say factory values). Once you modify them, they will behave correctly (complement of each byte will be set). For the connection issue: - Which USART interface are you using, and how do you connect unused IOs ? - Have you tried to increase the timeout or decrease the Baudrate value ?2011-05-17 4:57 AM
I am using USART1 which works fine with my code (loaded with ULINK2).
The RX input of USART2 is pulled to ground with a 1 meg resistor. I measured 0.0 VDC on the pin. I have tried lower baud rates like 38400 bps with no success. The timeout is not an issue as the program reports immediately that the device is unrecognized. I have a text file dump of the flash data at 0x1FFFE000 ... 0x1FFFFFFF. If you like, I will send it. The code executes when the BOOT0 pin is tied high, I can single step through the bootloader. What do you mean in regard to modifying the option bytes? This data does not get erased when I program my code in the part, even with the option set to erase the whole chip. The labling of this pre-production part is:STM32F103
KOR HP 061
-Glenn2011-05-17 4:57 AM
Hello STM,
I have a correction to my previous statement. The USART2_RX pin on the LQFP100 package is pin 26. This is port PA3. This is tied to a 1KHZ clock on the board. It is not pulled down to ground as I thought. After reading closer in AN2606, the USART2 pins are suppose to be remapped. Therefore, the USART2_RX pin on the LQFP100 package is pin 87. This is port PD6 which is pulled to ground through a 1 meg resistor. Since USART RX inputs are normally at logic one, should this be pulled high instead of being pulled low? -Glenn2011-05-17 4:57 AM
Dear Glenn,
Since the sample yo have is a prototype sample not yet put in production and as you are now with direct contact with our Local support Office. We will follow your case locally. Cheers, STOne-32.