2015-02-19 01:57 AM
Hi all,
Is it necesary to implement a additional code in my application to jump to the bootloader? #magic-eight-ball2015-02-19 03:06 AM
Signs Point to Yes
2015-02-19 03:54 AM
No if you can play with the PINs: you should make sure Boot0(Pin) = 1 and Boot1(Pin) = 0, then power it up, the bootloader will start executing. See
.2015-02-19 05:17 AM
No if you can play with the PINs: you should make sure Boot0(Pin) = 1 and Boot1(Pin) = 0, then power it up, the bootloader will start executing. See
. That's not the simplest way for it to happen.2015-02-19 08:20 PM
Bit of a blind port, but should work fine
Reboot_Loader PROC
EXPORT Reboot_Loader
LDR R0, =0x40021034 ; RCC_APB2ENR (+0x34)
STR R1, [R0, #0]
LDR R0, =0x40010000 ; SYSCFG_CFGR1 (+0x00)
LDR R1, =0x00000001 ; MAP ROM AT ZERO
STR R1, [R0, #0]
LDR R0, =0x1FF00000 ; ROM BASE (STM32L053)
LDR R1, [R0, #0] ; SP @ +0
LDR R0, [R0, #4] ; PC @ +4
ENDP ; sourcer32@gmail.com
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2019-01-22 10:07 AM
I'm trying to do the same thing with L071 and my MCU jumps to the bootloader with no problem. But for some reason I can't make its i2c interface work. I can talk to the bootloader using i2c if I am entering it not from software. What am I missing?