2017-03-21 7:42 AM
I use the STM32L443 controller, I try to activate the built-in bootloader, but I can't receive the response from the controller at one command - even on 7F. Pin of BOOT0 pull-up to VCC, made reset - it enough? To documentation it is written about a status of bits of nBOOT and nBOOTsw - at me all bits have checked status.
2017-03-21 7:57 AM
The 0x7F is a training byte, it should be sent with even parity. If would suggest using RealTerm in HEX mode, and 9600 8E1, sending the 0x7F byte and watching for a 0x79 response. Review the signals with a scope, or logic analyzer. Remember the processor expects CMOS levels, it is not compatible with RS232 levels.
Out of the box an STM32 part with BOOT0 pulled high should enter this mode, stopping execution with a debugger could confirm this. Make sure only ONE of the supported communication interfaces is used/active.