2020-11-12 12:32 PM
So I am trying to use BlueNRG M2SP device on a custom board. To use this device i tried to use BLE2 cube expansion with SampleApp application. I am sure i am configuring SPI and GPIO pins correctly. Project builds and loads fine but after booting, code gets in to a loop at here.
void hci_tl_lowlevel_isr(void)
/* Call hci_notify_asynch_evt() */
/* USER CODE BEGIN hci_tl_lowlevel_isr */
/* USER CODE END hci_tl_lowlevel_isr */
I tried to comment out this section of the code just to see what happens, and BLE doesnt get initiated correctly if i do that.
I will be glad if someone can be helpfull.
2020-11-18 5:42 PM
@Köksal Kurt Any updates on this?
2020-11-19 1:38 AM
@BLin.3 Yeah i managed the solve the problem. Firstly you have to upload correct firmware for BNRG device. It can be done using BlueNRG Flasher utility.
Also in my PCB i was using DIO1 pin for CS line. But that was wrong. CS pin should always be DIO11 pin.
Those fixes solved my issue.
2020-11-19 7:08 AM
@Köksal Kurt thanks for the reply! When you said correct firmware, did you mean the DTM_SPI firmware?
2020-12-22 1:45 AM
Hi KKurt.1,
I had the same problem, and it turned out to be a interrupt pin miss-configuration.
Refer to the following schematic:
The PA0_SPI_IRQ must be wired correctly to your host-processor.
If you are using the X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1, then it is important to note that the board was populated with:
Unfortunately PB14 is also the JTAG CLK (SWCLK)! This means that you'll have no chance to try and debug your host-processor's application unless you remove PB14. So, take care. I have no idea why the designers of this board populated R82. A possible explanation could be that there was a manufacturing mix-up and R82 got populated, instead of R117.
So, in short: Remove the 0 Ohm resistor from R82 and solder it to R117.
Now, you should be able to debug with SWCLK and if your PA0's interrupt is enabled in the host-processor's software, it should just work.