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stm32 can not download program

Associate II

I can not download my program into MCU, the picture0693W000006GVeIQAW.jpg0693W000006GVdtQAG.jpg is information.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Do you have uLink or ST-LINK? If not sure, try ST-LINK

-- pa

Sure it is not a fake STM32 part? Like the CKS32F103C8T6

Guessing this is a BluePill from the sketchy part of town..

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this is stm32f429lgtx, I am sure

Present your situation better. Not at all clear about what exactly you're working with, or why the screen shots are oddly watermarked.

Imagine I have no visibility into what you have on your bench. The make/model of board or how things are wired up.

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
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