2016-02-18 7:06 AM
I just downloaded the BlueNRG DK 1.9.0 to check the Nucleo Skin X-Nucleo-IDB05A1. Just to my surprise there all projects come only with IAR-EWARM Project files. Is this reality or STM really wants all Programmers to switch to IAR-EWARM? No support for Keil-ARM-MDK? It would be nice if ST at least would present some clear text file which summarizes the important project settings, the c and assembler files used, and most importantly also the libs (in the situation now I cannot even judge easily, whether the source code for the project examples is fully included or whether this relies on ''closed libs''). The Chat (Voice over BLE) example seems to be very impressive, as it seems to get a net data rate in the range of 44kHz*16bit over BLE, so about 700kBit/sec? (whereas other module suppliers typically say that the BLE net data rate will NOT go much over 100kBit/sec). I would have the following questions: - is this calculation correct, you really get about 700kBit/sec there (if you stream only with 20kHz, so about 350kBit/sec, this anyway still would be very impressive ...)? - are there any ''closed libs'' in the projects source code for this BlueNRG-MS Nucleo part? - works this for a standard up to date Android smart phone (e. g. Samsung Galaxy 5/6)? - works this high data rate also for the VCP ComPort example? (and if yes, then also for file transfer to Android?) - is it possible to get the the source code of a simple Android program for testing - just the C/Java file would be fine? I would need to know this quite urgently, as we are just in an IoT application where we need to select the Bluetooth module - the ST module for us generally is only second choice as it is not available with the typical RXTX interface (not possible to switch to some other supplier in case of problems, and also 5 data lines instead of 3 for the RXTX (we would not use the RTS)). ... But if it really gets 300-700kBit/sec in a way ''compatible for Android'', then this would be very interesting for us. #bluenrg-ms-keil-iar-android2016-02-18 8:10 AM
One further very nice point of the STBTLE-RF module (besize the very small size + power) seems to be the fact that it is suitable for slave AND master/central applications ... prominent other modules (e. g. AMS001/AMS002, A20737) seem to work only as slaves / peripherals.
This really all sounds very powerful, but I really would need to know, how far this is compatible to Android (or maybe just some singular ST solution). Also a ''Composite'' example would be VERY useful / impressive (a project where the module operates as well as master as as slave - or is this impossible? (in the datasheet it says that this should be possible..)).