2010-01-14 2:32 AM
Battery powered system
2011-05-17 4:37 AM
We now intend to move our STM32 based board to a battery powered one (i.e. for the hand held version of our device). However my inexperience is keeping me from making a good selection from the many controllers available from multiple chip vendors. Therefore please help me if you have *ELEGANTLY* solved your requirements if they were similar to mine as below. 1: We need an integrated inductor less (assuming inductor less is efficient and less taxing on our development see: ) switched power supply with dual output 3.3v and 5v and additionally with a lithium ion battery charger. Basically whatever these standalone MP3 players use should also work for me fine (assuming they are single power output). 2: if dual power is problem (both from design, BOM, and expense) then I can live with 5v out and will use a 3.3V LDO like LM1117 though this may not be power efficient (so would be plan B). or we will change the design and only use the 3.3V as another option. 3: While primarily battery powered, the device will use external power whenever battery is being charged ( like in a car.....and no, I am not building another GPS unit;-) ). When the external power is removed, the battery backup takes over. 4: simple design low BOM and preferably low cost Thanks in advance [ This message was edited by: pranamesh on 12-01-2010 20:34 ]2011-05-17 4:37 AM
This is more general question and answer can apply to all designs.
For the inductorless power supply you can use TPS6050x and one of the simple lipo chargers from TI, Linear, Maxim, ... I know that all those have complete solution for battery powered systems but I think that none of them have inductorless DC/DC ''all in one'' solution.2011-05-17 4:37 AM
70 views and no comments, please.. someone must have used it.....or is this an off forum question? :-[
2011-05-17 4:37 AM
Imho nothing ''ties'' post to STM32 - much more appropriate for power IC maker as slawcus describes.
Have you ''gutted/called'' MP3 maker in exploration? Requesting an *elegant* design solution - for ''free & quickly'' may not be in the cards...