2016-09-02 04:40 AM
On one Nucleo-F746ZG and two NUCLEO-F767ZI boards, I have noticed that the captures strap values for Mode and Addr[0] often disaggree to the strapped values. The Phy LAN87xx requires the strap lines to be release at maximum 50 ns after NRST asserted. With NRST asserted on a running system, this requirement is probably not meet on the Nucleo144 boards.
I can resolve in two ways: - Remove NRST <-> Phys RST Jumper SB 177 so that strap values only get captured with Power on reset with strap lines still in Hi-Z by the CPU so the resistor set strap value is not disturbed. - Write Phy Register 18 lower byte to 0xe0 before giving a soft reset to the phy.2016-09-05 02:47 AM
Thanks for sharing your solution.Regards