2019-09-16 2:14 PM
Hi everyone,
This is a fairly straight forward question. The STM32F301x4 and STM32F302x4 are listed on DigiKey as a non-stock item but are still present on the website when searched. I was unable to find any reference manual for these parts as well. Are these parts discontinued or do you still have support for these devices?
2019-09-16 2:45 PM
ST list the STM32301x6 as active, ie STM32301C6 https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32-32-bit-arm-cortex-mcus/stm32-mainstream-mcus/stm32f3-series/stm32f301/stm32f301c6.html
You've cited a part different to the title/summary, the 6 in the last position is a temp rating as I recall. A 7 being industrial, 6 being commercial
Thought these all had #TenYearsForSure (not a real guarantee)
These types of concerns should be taken directly to your local ST sales office/rep.
DigiKey does things like obsoleting a listing when the vendor changes a SKU
2019-09-17 6:29 AM
Thank you for the quick response. I have edited my question because it was suppose to be for the STM32F301x4 and STM32F302x4 devices that are listed on DigiKey as a non-stock item. Sorry for the confusion.