2022-02-08 8:28 AM
I was wondering if anyone has any experience using the H723ZGT variant within Arduino IDE successfully?
I followed through a tutorial on adding it as a variant to be recognized by the Arduino IDE.
I am at the point where I can compile the "blink" example and upload it to the board. I see the RGB LED (LD4) blink red and green after programming and then stay a solid red. I am expecting to see LD2 blink at around 1Hz after programming but I do not see anything. I have tried various other simple test programs without any luck.
Is anyone able to help me out or point me in the right direction?
2022-02-08 11:57 AM
open the Arduino IDE
Go to files and click on the preference in the Arduino IDE
Enter the 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stm32duino/BoardManagerFiles/master/STM32/package_stm_index.json' into the "Additional Boards Manager URLs"
2022-02-08 12:48 PM
This is how I figured out that my particular variant does not exist natively so I created my own and am at the point/problem described in my original post.
This does not help me unfortunately, also that link is depreciated and the new updated one is