2015-04-15 11:33 PM
Anyone gotten ST32F4xx SDIO, 1 serial bit, block I/O, to work with DMA?
Using HAL sd card driver. Works fine in polled mode. DMA mode - DMA complete doesn't happen. Driver hangs, times out. I'm lacking documentation on how DMA should be configured in detail (lots of variables), using CubeMX.2015-04-17 2:59 AM
I don't use SDIO, and, as you surely know, I wouldn't touch Cube with a stick, but do you account for that this is the exceptional case where the peripheral is the flow controller (see Flow controller subchapter of DMA chapter)?
> I'm lacking documentation on how DMA should be configured in detail (lots of variables), using CubeMX. You do have documentation , though, how to configure it without Cube - the RM, of course. JW2015-05-18 9:21 AM
If one doesn't use CubeMX, and given that the legacy peripheral lib from ST is depreciated, are you proposing to use HAL calls all hand-coded?
2015-05-18 10:21 AM
It's only deprecated in the sense that it's already pretty bug free, and doesn't need this constant baby siting and fixing. ST has some big customers for the F1/F2/F4/L1 parts who aren't migrating away from the SPL, and there's been some significant push back.
When you can build a system with Cube that is demonstrably more robust, and you aren't pulling your hair out to do simple stuff, be sure to let us all know. You keep coming here with problems, do you not see this as a red flag?Embedded software is not built on things that need to be updated weekly/monthly. I've dealt with customers who've been selling the same hardware/software for multiple decades, and the only reason they have to change now is that the fab got demolished, the test systems are obsolete or that Verizon doesn't want to run copper to buildings any more. A lot of these companies are like dinosaurs, the only reason they are changing is that the comet changed the landscape they function in.2015-05-19 6:19 AM
There's a series of Cube-targeted seminars going on in North America, http://www.st.com/web/en./seminar/stm32-hands-on-seminar-stm32cube-frees-embedded-designers
It's 'F0 focused, but if you have chance to attend, it may be an opportunity to talk to insiders. JW