2009-01-26 10:49 AM
Another USB Device Not Recognized question/situation
2011-05-17 4:00 AM
So I am running the Mass Storage Demo and have successfully loaded it to the STM3210E-EVAL board and have been able to detect the Eval board as a mass storage device. However, after downloading to flash onto my project board (with an STMF103RE device), the USB Device is never recognized like that on the Evaluation board. I have the USBDP signal tied high, BOOT0 and BOOT1 both tied low. I was wondering what I need to take into account (when switching to the 64 pin RE package) to detect this device as whatever the USB device descriptor is defining it as, in this case, a mass storage device for this example. I'm assuming the microSD card interface that is on the EVAL board is not needed to still detect this as a mass storage device? When looking within the calls in the main.c file in this example project, I thought it may have been the USB_Disconnect_Config() function in hw_config.c, where ''USB Disconnect Pin used as USB pull-up'' might have been defined as the pull up on D+, so i set the corresponding pins to enable GPIOA Pin 11, although this had no effect. Any direction on this matter would greatly be appreciated, thank you.