2008-10-29 4:56 AM
Analog output
2011-05-17 3:49 AM
Please help me,
I'm a new developer on embeded system,i've STM32-SK board and my project is to read from serial port and execute request, the request could be read and write from\to digital and analog output.till now i finished digitAL I\O and analog input BUT i cant find how can i write to analog output, analog output value is a constant value and must be stable how can i do that?2011-05-17 3:49 AM
Thanks to your effort,
My herware engineer disigned pins PA8 and PA9 to be analog aoutput in range of 4-20mA, can i execute an analog signal through those pins? if yes how can i do it? Thank again.2011-05-17 3:49 AM
DAC peripheral in High density devices is able to output analog signals with dedicated pins. Cheers, STOne-32. [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 29-10-2008 12:48 ]2011-05-17 3:49 AM
If he designed it, then your hardware engineer should be able to tell you how to use it!
2011-05-17 3:49 AM
May be he considered using PWM from timer 1. There should be also a low-pass filter.